June, 2024


3h 25m

One thing that irks me about this modern reinterpretation of FFVII is the frequent overuse of virtual reality. Like, what point does building a theatre serve if the audience just jacks into a headset?

The developers clearly opted for this choice as it allows for more creative freedom, however it doesn't bode well for the clarity of the scene. Why do Cloud and the party specifically assume the roles of the characters? The narrator says "you are the hero" but that obviously isn't the case because the rest of the audience is just watching. Then after all that the scene promptly jumps to Aerith singing--a plot point lacking much in the way of build-up--and Cloud watching from the side lines. Shouldn't he be in the sitting area with everyone else? And his still wearing the stage outfit so did he, and by extension the entire party have any awareness of the lines they were saying during that scene? Was it all adlibbed or did they receive a script off screen prior?

This is yet another instance of the developers prioritising spectacle over narrative cohesion, and virtual reality only provides an excuse. I'd have settled for the party simply getting coerced into performing on account of Dio and the play being more authentic to an actual theatre play. Not every little moment has to be over-the-top, besides isn't this supposed to a relaxing date night before all hell breaks loose? Why are you thrusting a poor(er) man's OSU! at me.

The ensuing battle for naming rights wasn't all that difficult. At least until Rufus showed up; definitely the most I've struggled with a storyline boss thus far. Much of that is on me not utilizing either 'Triple Slash' or 'Disorder' during his reloads. I kept trying to land the instant stagger with 'Braver' but just couldn't find the timing. Would've liked a chance to rematch him but I'd already saved post-fight and the checkpoint sets me back to the date night.